Global DevOps Experience 2024

Free Global DevOps Experience 2024 in Split: Unlock the Power of DevOps and AI!

Split, Croatia is among the venues to host the 2024 Global DevOps Experience at the innovative PICS@FESB workspace, sponsored by Digital Dalmatia.

This is a unique free community worlwide one-day event that brings together the worlds of DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Developer Experience (DevEx) mirroring the fast-paced global tech environment. Both seasoned experts and eager novices will enjoy working together in teams to tackle real-world challenges utilizing GitHub, Azure, and AI. 

What is the Global DevOps Experience?

The Global DevOps Experience is a unique, global free event designed to provide a hands-on experience in DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Developer Experience. This one-day immersive experience is centered around GitHub, Azure, and AI (Copilot) and will be hosted at multiple venues worldwide as the first global GitHub community event. Participants will become part of a team in the fictional company Globoticket and will be tasked to overcome realistic challenging scenarios. The event will feature a series of keynote sessions, team challenges, and networking opportunities designed to enhance the participant's knowledge and skills.


Focus on GitHub, Azure, and AI

Leverage GitHub, Azure, and AI (Copilot) to tackle challenges and acquire experience with cutting-edge technologies.


First Global GitHub Community Event

A worldwide event hosted at multiple venues, fostering global collaboration on challenges within a 24-hour timeframe.


Powerful Computing Services and Inovative Challenges

Benefit from enterprise-level cloud resources sponsored by GitHub, and Microsoft, with Xebia experts crafting the storyline and challenges for an engaging experience.


Collaborative and Engaging Team-Based Exercises

Work in teams to overcome realistic challenges encountered by the fictitious company Globoticket, gaining hands-on experience in Platform Engineering, DevOps, and Developer Experience (DevEx).


Valuable Networking and Learning

Engage in keynote sessions, presentations, and networking opportunities to learn from expert proctors and connect with industry professionals. 


Fun and Engaging

Enjoy collaborative problem-solving activities that promote creativity and foster team spirit. 

Join the Platform Engineering Team at Globoticket

Globoticket, a leading online concert ticket seller, is struggling with the challenge of keeping pace with its competitors and the rapid technological advancements transforming the industry. Hear directly from Globoticket's key stakeholders as they share their perspectives on the company's journey to stay ahead of the curve.


CEO's Vision

Hear from Robert Green, Globoticket CEO, as he shares the clear vision for the company's technological transformation. 


COO's Plan for a New Team

Find out how Emily Chase, Globoticket COO, plans to gather a new Platform Engineering team.

Product Owner's Pitch

Hear Jordan Sparks, Globoticket Product Owner, pitching his plan on how to use AI to revolutionize the ticketing system.

Lead Dev's Confession

Understand the current development challenges explained by Alex Fletcher, Globoticket Lead Developer.


Chief Information Security Officer's Concerns

Discover the expected security improvements outlined by Morgan Blair, Globalticker CISO.

Interested in the Power of Cloud and AI?

What to Expect

The Global DevOps Experience kicks off with a keynote, followed by a series of team-based challenges. Participants can expect a dynamic and interactive environment where they will work in teams alongside fellow enthusiasts to solve real-world challenges using GitHub, Azure, and AI (Copilot) . Whether you're a seasoned professional or a curious beginner in the field, this immersive experience offers a unique opportunity to elevate your skills and network with like-minded individuals.

Event Languages

The Global DevOps Experience content and platforms will be in English. Local organizers plan to communicate in Croatian. All participants are welcome, and local organizers will ensure English is used for those who don't speak Croatian.



9:30 AM - 10:15 AM: Drop-in and Coffee
Arrive at the venue, enjoy refreshments, and mingle with fellow attendees. Receive a warm welcome from the local organizers and get an overview of the event's concept and day's activities.


10:15 AM - 10:45 AM: Recorded Keynote
Watch a pre-recorded keynote presentation that sets the tone for the event and provides insights into the world of DevOps and the Globoticket storyline.


10:45 AM - 11:15 AM: Local Keynote
Engage with a live keynote session delivered by local proctors.


11:15 AM - 13:00 PM: Bootcamp Begins
Dive into the hands-on activities, working in teams to tackle challenges.


13:00 PM - 13:30 PM: Lunch
Take a break for a well-deserved sponsored lunch and more networking.


13:30 PM - 16:00 PM: Bootcamp Continues
Reconvene and continue your team-based work on the challenges.


16:00 PM - 16:30 PM: Share Learnings and Demo
Present your team's solutions and learnings to the larger group, showcasing your achievements.


16:30 PM - 17:00 PM: Wrap-up
Closing remarks, feedback, and a final opportunity to connect with the community.

Who Should Attend

The Global DevOps Experience welcomes a wide range of professionals passionate about DevOps, Platform Engineering, and DevEx. Developers, DevOps Engineers, Platform Architects, Site Reliability Engineers, and aspiring technologists, as well as Computer Science Students, will find this event engaging and valuable. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or looking to expand your skills, the hands-on challenges and collaborative environment make this event ideal for anyone interested in cloud-native technologies and modern software delivery practices. 

Registration Prerequisites

Registration is managed on the global organizer's website as participants are required to provide their GitHub Handle for registration. You have the option to use your current GitHub Handle or create a new one.

Once registered, you will receive a generic confirmation email from the global organizer within a few hours. We will follow up with you in the week leading up to the event to provide additional details and information.

What To Bring With You

Attendees must bring their own laptop to fully participate in the Global DevOps Experience. Having a personal device is essential for engaging in hands-on challenges and exercises. WiFi internet access will be provided at the venue, allowing you to connect to cloud-based platforms and tools central to the event. Remember to pack your power cord to connect to power outlets at the venue. You might want to have a HDMI cable to connect to monitors.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the event organizers for assistance in preparing for the Global DevOps Experience.

What Is Included


Fully Equipped Modern Classroom

The local sponsor Digital Dalmatia provides the innovative PICS@FESB space, a modern fully equipped classroom with monitors and WiFi connectivity to support technology-enhanced education.


Coffee, Refreshments, and Lunch

Coffee, refreshments, and lunch will be provided throughout the day to keep you energized and focused during the bootcamp. 


Cloud-Based Infrastructure, Subscriptions, and Accounts

The global sponsors GitHub, Microsoft, and Xebia provide all the cloud-based infrastructure, subscriptions, and accounts for the challenges.


Materials and Resources

After the event, attendees will receive links to digital learning materials.

Gallery From 2019 Global DevOps Bootcamp