
WinDays 2020 Conference

WinDays 2020 Conference

Windays, one of the major and largest Croatian technological conferences, celebrates its 20th birthday this year with its 1st edition in a completely online format. This year we participated with 2 sessions focused on implementing predictable product development processes based on metrics.

Session 1: Predictability in Software Development or How to Reliably Answer the Question: "When will it be Done?"

Having a predictable and reliable development process and being able to say when something will be done is the holy grail of software engineering. With flow metrics and techniques that we discussed in this session, ensuring flow and predictability and reliably finishing on time will not be a miracle anymore! Check session description and slides!

Session 2: Running Business on DevOps Metrics

To understand your software development process end-to-end, accelerate feedback loops and be able to define experiments and learn from them you need measurements and metrics. In this session, we explained how tracking and analyzing the 4 Key DevOps Metrics of Software Development and Delivery can help you identify improvements in DevOps practices and tools you need to implement in order to become an elite performer. Check session description and slides!
